iN HAMAMATSU.COM | Basic info | Free Wi-Fi / Prepaid SIM card

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IN HAMAMATSU.COM Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Visitor Guide

IN HAMAMATSU.COM Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Visitor Guide Hamamatsu

Free Wi-Fi / Prepaid SIM card

Where can I use / buy it in Hamamatsu?


Free Wi-Fi environment in Hamamatsu city
The number of shops and facilities where you can use Free Wi-Fi are increasing in Hamamatsu. This is a list of the main tourist facilities, public areas, and spaces similar to public places where you can use free Wi-Fi and services.


WEBSITE:Japanese / English / Traditional Chinese / Simplified Chinese / Thai
<The main areas where you can use free Wi-Fi>
★Hamamatsu Tourists Information Center
WEBSITE:Japanese / English
★Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments
WEBSITE:Japanese / English

★Hamamatsu Castle
WEBSITE:Japanese / English

★Entetsu Department Store
WEBSITE:Japanese / English

★Hamamatsu Station Bus terminal
★Shin-Hamamatsu Station
★Entetsu Hall

These services allow you to connect to a free Wi-Fi spot easily by using the application on your cell phone or tablet.
★Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi (APP)
WEBSITE:Japanese / English
WEBSITE:Japanese / English /

There is a possibility that those areas and services may be changed.
Please check the latest information on their homepages.

What's the prepaid SIM card?
It's a prepaid SIM card for SIM free terminals. The data capacity and period of service are limited. You can start using it with a simple procedure, and you don't have to cancel your contract because it will be automatically cancelled when the period of service is over. It's a usable service for the people who want to use a cell phone easily for a short period, such as tourists to Japan. Normally a prepaid SIM is only for data communication, but you can talk on the phone by using a free application for the smart phone.


The main kinds of SIM cards that can be used in Japan
★Prepaid SIM for JAPAN
WEBSITE:Japanese / English
★FREETEL Prepaid Data SIM for Japan
WEBSITE:Japanese / English
★Japan Travel SIM powered by IIJmio
WEBSITE:Japanese / English
★U-mobile Prepaid
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★Prepaid LTE SIM
WEBSITE:Japanese / English
WEBSITE:Japanese / English
★Prepaid SIM for Travel
WEBSITE:Japanese / English

The main shops you can buy SIM cards (around Hamamtsu station)
★Bic Camera Hamamatsu-ten
WEBSITE:Japanese / English / and more
・Prepaid SIM for JAPAN
・FREETEL Prepaid Data SIM for Japan
・Japan Travel SIM powered by IIJmio

★Yamada denki
WEBSITE:Japanese / English / Chinese
・U-mobile Prepaid

There is a possibility that those shops and services may be changed.
Please check the latest information on their homepages.

2016.11.28 update
Content may be subject to change after publication. Please also note that we are not accountable for loses and damages that may occur as a result of said changes.